Passengers carried by Indian domestic airlines during January 2017 were 95.79 lakh as against 76.55 lakh during the corresponding period of 2016 thereby registering a growth of 25.13 per cent, informs the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). According to the data released by DGCA, domestic air passenger traffic had increased by 23.91 per cent during December to 95.52 lakh from 77.09 lakh during the corresponding month last year. SpiceJet recorded the highest passenger load factor (PLF) during January 2017 at 93.6 per cent followed by GoAir at 90.8 per cent and IndiGo at 90 per cent. SpiceJet also recorded the highest punctuality rate at 71.6 per cent at four major airports of Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai followed by IndiGo (71.2), GoAir (60.6), Jet Airways and JetLite (59.4), Air India (56.8) and Vistara (53). “SpiceJet has excelled on all operational parameters yet again and emerged as the country’s most punctual airline for the fourth successive month. We have had the best on-time performance in tough weather conditions and will continuously strive to better ourselves,” said Ajay Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, SpiceJet. IndiGo recorded the highest market share of 39.8 per cent followed by Jet Airways (15.5), Air India (14.1), SpiceJet (12.8) and GoAir (8.2), Vistara (3.2), AirAsia India (3), JetLite (2.5), Air Costa (0.5), TruJet (0.3) and Air Carnival (0.1).
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