The government on Monday has invited Expression of Interest for 100 per cent stake sale in Air India (AI). Along with AI, it has also invited interest from bidders for its entire 100 per cent stake in the low-cost international arm, Air India Express and its complete 50 per cent share of ground handling subsidiary AISATS. The total debt of AI and AI Express to be taken on by the new buyer is Rs 23,286 crore. The actual debt of the two entities combined was Rs 60,074 crore. The balance of nearly ₹27,000 crores has been absorbed by the government. The last date for submitting interest to the transaction adviser is March 17 and the result is expected to be known by March 31. Ernst & Young is the transaction adviser. The bid document says that the FDI policy for the sale remains unchanged, i.e. foreign carriers will be able to own 49% stake in Air India. The substantial ownership and effective control (SOEC) clause will also be applicable and will have to remain with an Indian.
Read More »Marriott to open world’s largest Fairfield By Marriott Hotel in Makkah, Saudi Arabia with 2,600 rooms
Marriott International has signed an agreement with Nahdet Al-Mashaer to open a 2,600-room Fairfield by Marriott property in Makkah. The agreement is expected to deliver the first Fairfield by Marriott property to the Middle East and Africa region, create the largest Fairfield hotel in the world and bring one of the largest hotels to the growing religious destination of Makkah. Construction for the Fairfield by Marriott Makkah Al Naseem has already commenced and the hotel is slated to open in 2023. “We are thrilled to be working with Nahdet Al-Mashaer to create a distinctive Fairfield by Marriott that will serve Makkah, the sought-out destination for rising numbers of religious pilgrims,” said Jerome Briet, Marriott International, Chief Development Officer, Middle East and Africa. “We expect this hotel will become a popular destination, especially given the strong demand for high-quality lodging in the Holy City.” The Fairfield by Marriott Makkah Al Naseem is set to rise in five towers in the Al Naseem district and in close proximity to the Grand Mosque. Plans call for 2,600 well-appointed spacious, modern suites that would separate areas for working and sleeping. The property’s public spaces and lounge areas are expected to feature the Fairfield brand’s “Modern Calm” aesthetic, which embraces open layouts, multi-functional space and natural light. Plans also call for signature amenities such as complimentary hot breakfast and coffee, fitness center and a lobby market open 24/7. When it opens, the property is expected to welcome guests visiting on pilgrimage or business with friendly service and comfortable spaces that offer the flexibility to work and rest while staying productive on the road. The brand’s Fairfield Guarantee delivers a simple promise to provide each guest with …
Read More »Odisha and Gujarat sign agreement for cross promotion of tourist sites
The government of Odisha and Gujarat have signed a Memorandum of Intent (MoI) for cross-promotion of tourist sites in both states as well as across India. A formal Memorandum of Understanding mentioning key frameworks and policies will be signed soon after discussions with relevant departments of both the states, said Sachin Ramchandra Jadhav, Director of Tourism, Government of Odisha. The agreement was signed amidst the presence of Union Tourism Minister on the concluding day of a two-day National Tourism Conference 2020 at the Konark Eco Retreat.
Read More »MOT encourages tourists to take pledge; to fund travel of those visiting 15 destinations
In a bid to encourage more footfall at domestic tourism destinations, the Ministry of Tourism has started a unique “Dekho Apna Desh” campaign asking travellers to take a pledge to visit at least 15 different tourism locations in India by the year 2022. The Ministry also said that it will reward tourists, who visit 15 destinations in a year, by funding their expenses. The ministry has planned to back this motivational campaign with some incentives including lucky draws and gifts which may include tickets and travel packages. However, Union Tourism Minister Prahlad Singh Patel has said that the move should not be construed as a monetary benefit, but as an incentive. “The tourism ministry will fund the travel expenses of tourists who visit 15 destinations in the country in a year and submit the photos on our website. Tourists, however, must travel outside their home states to be eligible for contention. We should honour these people as brand ambassadors of Indian Tourism,” he said. To take the pledge, an individual will have to sign up on The language for the pledge can be selected between Hindi and English and once the individual recites the pledge, he or she will be given a certificate for the same through email or through mobile text. One can get its printout from the same webpage also.
Read More »GPS Nagpur 2020 goes completely eco-friendly
Global Panorama Showcase (GPS) ushers in a new era in 2020 by going completely eco-friendly with its Nagpur edition. The ongoing event which began on Monday and ends on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, at Hotel Centre Point Nagpur has done away with single-use plastic. Sharing this information, Harmandeep Singh Anand, Managing Director, GPS, said, “GPS goes digital and eco-friendly in 2020. We have removed all plastic bottles from the event and have kept water dispensers at all venues. We also have given steel water bottles to all our exhibitors plus top 250-odd buyers that we expect in these two days. All they need to do is complete certain tasks, which we have planned for them. We have also replaced all standees with 50-inch screens that suppliers can use to display all their promos. They only need to carry the promotional material in a USB drive in whatever format they want. The structure itself is made of recycled material.”
Read More »Bhutan: Tourists from India to now pay ₹1,000 as sustainable development tax
Bhutan has made it mandatory for tourists visiting from India, Bangladesh and Maldives to pay a Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) of ₹1,000. At present, tourists from the three countries do not have to pay visa or any entry fee to cross into Bhutan while those from other countries pay $250 as a minimum charge per day which includes a $65 sustainable development fee. According to the news reports, the fee has been levied considering instances of some tourists disobeying the local law and order and also showing disrespect towards local customs and traditions. Meanwhile, the Bhutanese kingdom wants to control the flow of travellers from India and more such South Asian countries.
Read More »US: New visa restrictions for pregnant women travelling for birth tourism
The US administration has published new visa rules effective Friday aimed at restricting ‘birth tourism’, in which women travel to the United States to give birth so their children can have a coveted US passport. Applicants will be denied tourist visas if they are determined by consular officers to be coming to the US primarily to give birth, according to the rules in the Federal Register. Those with medical needs will be treated like other foreigners coming to the US for medical treatment and must prove they have the money to pay for it – including transportation and living expenses. Officials said the rule will not apply to foreign travellers coming from any of the 39 mainly European and Asian countries enrolled in the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens of those countries to come the U.S. without a visa for temporary stays. The rule will only apply to applicants for so-called “B” class visas that permit short-term stays for business or pleasure.
Read More »Canada: Extreme cold weather alert in Toronto as temperature expected to drop
After the city of Toronto issued an extreme cold weather alert last week, temperatures are expected to drop in the evening and overnight in the area. These alerts activate the city’s cold weather response plan, which includes opening more shelter spaces and warming centres for vulnerable citizens. The cold temperatures come on the heels of a major snowstorm last weekend. It is expected that Southern Ontario is going to get hit with another brutal 20 cm of snow this weekend. Other areas have already received above-average snowfall for the season.
Read More »China: Airlines on high alert as coronavirus outbreak spreads, multiple flights cancelled
Airlines and passengers are on guard against a new flu-like virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Many airlines, including Korean Air Lines, Singapore Airlines’ budget carrier Scoot, Taiwan’s China Airlines and Japan’s ANA, announced they were cancelling flights in and out of Wuhan after authorities announced a lockdown. South Korean budget carrier T’way Air earlier this week postponed the scheduled launch of a new route to the city. On Thursday, 184 flights to/from Wuhan, or 60% of the departures listed for the day, had been cancelled.
Read More »UK and US have two peak periods of actual inbound bookings to India: Forwardkeys
From the US, the highest number of bookings happen in September and October, accounting for 21% of all bookings. Even in January there is a peak of 10% from US. From United Kingdom there are 2 periods of peak bookings— January, which accounts for 12% of booking volume and the period September to November, which accounts for 29% of booking volume. Both USA, UK have two peak periods, reveals an analysis of time of actual 2019 inbound bookings data to India by Forwardkeys, from 3 important long-haul source markets – USA, UK and Australia. Australia, being in the Southern Hemisphere has one peak booking peak period – July August September which account 32% of all bookings.
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