The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has launched a new marketing campaign, #TogetherInTravel, aimed at galvanizing the global travel and tourism community and showing how the sector is a vital part of our zest for life. The campaign, which went live on April 20, encourages travellers from around the world to share the hashtag #TogetherInTravel along with a video simultaneously uniting everyone in solidarity at the same moment. The marketing campaign comprises three key elements; a highly visual and emotive video; a hashtag, #TogetherInTravel, to stimulate the conversation across social platforms and a microsite,, to host the video and user generated content and stories. WTTC has developed the campaign in conjunction with one of its members. Gloria Guevara, President & CEO, WTTC, says, “Dreaming is part of our zest for life and our new campaign encourages thoughts of the brighter days ahead. Travel & Tourism is a critical sector to the global economy, accounting for one in four of all new jobs worldwide and contributing 10.3% to GDP. Our sector touches everyone. It builds communities, reduces poverty in the world and improves the social impact of everyday lives. Yet, we are uniquely exposed at this time due to COVID-19. The concept for the #TogetherInTravel campaign was born out of a desire to rally everyone who is passionate about travel, to unify those who are working hard to rebuild the sector and to spread a message of solidarity that we are one global community and one where travel brings us closer, at the right time. Our message is that everyone can still stay inspired with future travel ideas and bookings – and in the meantime be part of a virtual …
Read More »Firm action required by governments to support tourism recovery: UNWTO
UNWTO has urged members to increase pressure on world leaders to rethink tax and employment policies related to tourism and help businesses survive and drive wider recovery efforts. UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said, “This crisis has shown the strength of solidarity across borders. But nice words and gestures will not protect jobs or help the many millions of people whose lives are dependent on a thriving tourism sector. Governments have an opportunity to recognize tourism’s unique ability to not only provide employment but to drive equality and inclusivity. Our sector has proven its ability to bounce back and help societies recover. We ask that tourism is now given the right support to once again lead recovery efforts.”
Read More »Packaging of experiences and tourism circuits will make the difference: Arjun Sharma
Showing the way forward, speaking at the 2nd session of the second Digital Conclave held by TravTalk, Arjun Sharma, Chairman, Select Group, said, “My suggestion to travel agents is to focus on packaging experiences, experiential travel can also be a luxury. Travel agents need to first build their database and then identify the potential clients and then create packages for them.” He also added that travel will not stop, but it will just take some time for it to build up again.
Read More »WTTC report reveals Asia Pacific’s recovery will be driven by travel & tourism
World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), in its annual Economic Impact Report (EIR), shows how big a part travel and tourism played in driving the economy in the region last year, based on which the findings reveal how vital the sector will be for the region’s economic recovery from COVID-19. It shows the sector supporting one in 10 (330 million) jobs, making a 10.3% contribution to global GDP and generating one in four of all new jobs. Gloria Guevara, President & CEO, WTTC, says, “WTTC’s 2019 Economic Impact Report (EIR) shows how intrinsic Travel & Tourism was last year to the economy in Asia-Pacific, making it the fastest growing region in the world in terms of its contribution to GDP, supporting more than 182 million jobs or 9.6% of the total number of people employed.”
Read More »ADTOI holds online meeting with its 11 chapters, mulls relief packages & Govt aid
Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India (ADTOI) recently held its individual meeting with its all 11 chapter over zoom, where they discussed on relief packages and members expectation from government and way forward, it was revealed in a statement by the association. “ADTOI held its LEO exclusive meet over zoom headed by chairperson Ekta Watts. Also, ADTOI is now on TWITTER and can be tagged @ADTOIconnect,” the statement read. In addition, they will also launch their webinar series. “We will start with West Bengal & Madhya Pradesh as its first two destinations. Details for the same will follow. We strongly believe in developing business within ADTOI family and to support each other in these difficult times,” it said.
Read More »IATO estimates loss of US$85 billion in hotel, aviation and tourism sector
A KPMG report on potential impact of COVID-19 on Indian economy says that along with large scale cancellations, the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) estimates that the hotel, aviation and tourism sector may incur loss of about US$85 billion due to travel restrictions imposed on foreign tourists. The report also indicated that outbound and inbound travel to India will be at an all-time low with impact likely to be felt on both white and blue collar jobs.
Read More »FAITH holds meeting with Ministry of Commerce; discusses way out
FAITH had an urgent meeting with Ministry of Commerce to discuss measures on tourism exports. These include rating the SEIS @10% and crediting it immediately on the basis of previous financial year, deemed export status , SEIS on gross forex earnings, zero rating of tourism exports and GST refunds to tourists, strategic focus on MICE sector, EPCG on tourist vehicles and relaxing export obligations among others. Most of the tourism enterprises support their infrastructure (hard & soft) by managing different tourist seasons. As all global source markets are hit, it will be domestic business of India which will keep India tourism businesses running. Thus, FAITH also has requested the Ministry of Commerce to request Piyush Goyal, who is both, the Commerce and the Industries Minister to take up the request for the survival support for the whole tourism travel & hospitality industry with the PM. These include deferment of all statutory liabilities, setting up a COVID 19 Tourism relief fund for interest free 10 year working capital loan for salaries & establishment costs , increase of banking moratorium period to 12 months without any interest for or for direct benefit transfer to affected employees and a national legislative tourism task force of central and state governments. Faith has also requested ESI funds to be used for compensating employees as ‘stay at home’ is a forced and mandatory curative medical need to fight the virus. They have also requested PF coverage of all tourism travel & hospitality employees as under the PM Rozgar Pradhan Yojana. Faith has also shared examples from the US & UK, Thailand and Indonesia where salary support, taxes exemption and stimulation of domestic travel is being …
Read More »Travel agents should issue refunds when airlines pay them: TAAI
In a statement, The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) has said that travel agents should issue refunds to their clients only when the same is received by them from the airlines or IATA. Jyoti Mayal, President, TAAI stated that they have raised strong objections on the refund issues and mechanism with all airlines and IATA while also seeking the Ministry of Civil Aviation to direct the airlines to refund all monies since additional funds of the agents is also blocked with airlines paid for advances in float accounts of low-cost carriers operating in India. TAAI has told its members to inform their customers, who desire to refund their tickets, that they shall be updated as soon as they receive refunds from airlines/IATA for the tickets issued and also assure that the same shall be given.
Read More »IATO Elections postponed; New date to be decided after 30 days
The Returning Officer for IATO Elections 2020, Akshay Kumar in a meeting with IATO EC decided to postpone the association’s election scheduled to take place on April 25 amid ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Starting 6th April, the elections are postponed by 30 days. The IATO EC will meet after 30 days to decide upon new dates. The election should, however, take place within 90 days starting 6th April 2020. The timelines suggested during the meeting varied from two months to all the way till 2021. In case the election cannot be held within 90 days, the Returning Officer recommended that IATO call for an EGM and allow the house to decide upon the new dates for election. In the interim, the Office Bearers and EC of IATO are hereby allowed to work and lead the association in the best interests of its members and the industry at large.
Read More »ETAA to conduct second webinar on technology for members on April 8, 2020
The Enterprising Travel Agent’s Association (ETAA) is preparing to conduct its second webinar for its members on April 8,2020. This time it will be on technology conducted by Karthik Venkataraman, Head of Business Development, GMR Tech Solutions. He will talk about the importance of having a digital presence during such challenging times. The association’s first webinar was conducted on April 6, 2020 where more than 100 ETAA members from across India attended. This webinar focussed on ‘Bonding’ and it was a one hour session conducted by TEDX speaker Bharat Jethani who also helps in community building. The members also suggested some unexplored destinations that can be promoted to domestic tourists once things get back to normal. ETAA plans to conduct more such events in the future to engage its members.
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