Category Archives: Associations

NIMA signs MoU with PCEB to boost business ties between Penang and India

In conjunction with PITE 2022, Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) signed a memorandum of understanding with Network of Indian MICE Agents (NIMA), in order to boost the business ties between Penang and India. “PCEB is regularly taking the initiatives to attract business event groups to visit Penang. Connecting with the Indian market is one of the efforts that are being done, especially with India being the key market for business tourism and events in Penang. In addition to the incentive group from India, we are making strenuous efforts to organise association meetings as well in Penang” quoted Ashwin Gunasekeran, the Chief Executive Officer of Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau.

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TAFI wants members to develop soft skills for themselves and for their staff

Jitul Mehta, Western India Chairman, TAFI says, “I want our members to develop soft skills for themselves and for their staff because we are in the service business. So it is upon TAFI to educate its members so that they can sustain and grow their business in the long run and are equipped to deal with future challenges. A lot of them have registered for our online courses that we are offering free of cost on our website.”

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TAFI to offer free of cost online skill development courses to members

After the success of its convention, TAFI has announced it will offer online courses on its website. Ajay Prakash, TAFI President, says, “TAFI has tied up with a company to provide a 100+ skilling courses on various subjects. This includes soft skills and education on specific topics. This will be offered on our website free of cost to all our members. The integration is happening right now and these courses will be online soon. These are some of the things we will be building upon. A convention happens every year or two but what you learn and discuss during the event needs to be taken forward and that is what we want to. I do hope our members take advantage of this.”

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