Kolkata emerges as a powerful source market for SOTC’s holiday business

SOTC Travel released data on East India travel trends. Interestingly, the data highlights Kolkata’s position as a key source market for SOTC travel – with demand from not only the city but also neighboring regions, powering the Company’s growth trajectory. The Company is witnessing a strong demand uptick of 21% YoY for premium destinations including Europe (Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, and Scandinavia), Japan and South Korea.

West Bengal/Kolkata Travel Trends

  • Increased travel intent in 2024: 21% YoY
  • Desire for multiple trips:25% higher compared to last year
  • Higher spends: 15-20% compared to last year
  • Top destinations

o   Domestic: Kashmir, Ladakh, Chardham, Sikkim, Andamans, Bhutan & Sri Lanka

o   International: Europe, Scandinavia, Vietnam, Bali, Singapore – Malaysia, Georgia, Japan

o   New emerging: Azerbaijan & South Korea

  • Strong demand for spiritual journeys and darshans – Ayodhya and Char Dham
  • Unique preferences:high interest for experiential holidays, domestic cruises, safaris and biking trips
  • Top customer segments: multi-generational families, millennials & Gen Z
  • Top selling products: Bali Te Gurga Pujo – Bali, Osadharon Vietnam – Vietnam, Japan Ne Sarod Utsov – Japan, Asia Te Hoi Choi Songe Thailand – Singapore – Malaysia & Thailand, Bishyokor Purbo Europe – East Europe, Apurbo France O Swiss – France & Swiss Delight, Shundor Europe – Belgium – Swiss – Germany among others.

Daniel D’souza, President and Country Head – Holidays, SOTC Travel said “Kolkata continues to be one of our top source markets with an increase in demand of over 21% YoY from this region. The summer season has witnessed strong growth across both international and domestic destinations 23% vs last year.

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