Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) has taken a step towards boosting agriculture tourism with its Agri Tourism Conclave 2016 in the Vidharba region will take place on 20 November 2016, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development in Nagpur, during the Kalidas Festival 2016. The motive of this conclave is to increase employment and investment opportunities in agro tourism in the region. The conclave will be inaugurated by Pravin Datke, Mayor, Nagpur followed by a presentation on encouraging people to take up agri-tourism as a profession by enterprising speakers from Baramati, Washim, Pune, Nagpur and Satara. This will serve two purposes i.e. boosting the farmer’s income and also bringing rural India closer to the cities. Dr. KH Govinda Raj, Managing Director, MTDC said, “As tourism is becoming increasingly important to the economy. Agricultural tourism is one alternative for improving the incomes and potential economic viability of small farms and rural communities. The objectives for promoting rural and agri-tourism is to educate the public and promote the products of the farm and generate additional farm income; provide rural experience to urban residents and allow diversification of income opportunity to farms and ranches that can help buffer fluctuating markets.”