Railways Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu flagged off the 15069/15070 Gorakhpur-Badshahnagar (Lucknow) Express at Rail Bhawan through video conferencing. Minister of State for Railways Rajen Gohain graced the occasion with his presence. Chairman, Railway Board, A. K. Mital, Member Traffic, Railway Board Mohd. Jamshed, other Railway Board Members and senior officials were also present. Local Members of Parliament of Gorakhpur and other districts were also present to grace the flag off function at Gorakhpur end. Prabhu said that Uttar Pradesh is a big and populous state and thus it requires better railway network. He said that Gorakhpur is a big city which has historic importance too, this new intercity train service will help the Gorakhpur people to grow in social and economic terms. Gohain said that the rail is the cheapest mode of travel in India. Thus, Railways intends to expand rail network throughout the length and breadth of the country so that every citizen can be benefitted. He said that Railways will introduce some more new trains services soon.
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