The Global Tourism Film Festival shorts and feature film roster conjures up a thrilling journey of worldwide discovery. From the multicultural and majestic geographic diversity of Canada; to trekking lush forests of Brazil and breathtaking Himalayan mountains; to seeking the ancient Pyramids of Egypt and uncovering the lands of Vikings; to sub-marine worlds of the Australian great barrier reef; to unearthing cosmopolitan gems of Singapore; to expeditions through the plains of Africa and the stark polar wilderness of the Arctic, GTFF brings the world to North Bay. Enhanced by presentations from the National and Regional Tourism Boards of Canada, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America, the one-of-a-kind film festival allows participants to get inspired to see the world and get the absolute insiders’ perspective of the destinations, including upcoming attractions, to get out and explore. For Filmmakers, GTFF 2023 and its presentation partners, consisting of Canadian and Ontario Film Boards, open the door to discovering the multifaceted filmmaking opportunities provided by the province for filming in Northern Ontario. Independent features screened and highlighted during the festival include ‘Superheroes’. directed by Paolo Genovese, ‘Kumari’ directed by Nimal Sahadev, ‘Monkey Beach’ directed by L. Sarah Todd, ‘Blueback’ directed by Robert Connolly, ‘Tears of Persephone’ directed by Teppei Isobe, Yasuaki Genda, and the Northern Ontario filmed feature; ‘The Protector’, directed by Lenin M. Sivam, amongst festival selections. GTFF 2023 is held in association with the City of North Bay, Ontario with activities at Canadore College. Nestled between two of Northeastern Ontario’s most stunning lakes and surrounded by forests, North Bay, the ‘Gateway to the North’, is surrounded by the beauty of nature, art, and culture. Visitors for GTFF 2023 receive a taste …
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