Category Archives: Associations

Destinations welcomed 3 times as many international arrivals as 2021: UNWTO

International tourism continued to recover from the COVID-19 crisis at a strong pace in January-March 2022. Destinations welcomed almost three times as many international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) as in the same period of 2021, with Europe leading the rebound. International arrivals increased 182% year-on-year in Q1 2022 to an estimated 117 million international arrivals compared to 41 million in Q1 2021. Of the extra 76 million international arrivals, about 47 million were recorded in March.

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TAFI announces its Convention at Kuching in Sarawak, Malaysia this September from 20 to 23 2022

After a gap of four years, The Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) announces its Convention at Kuching in Sarawak, Malaysia this September from 20th to 23rd 2022. The theme of the convention is BUILD  BACK  BETTER. Elaborating on the theme, President Ajay Prakash said, “As we seek recovery post-COVID, it is vital that the tourism industry does not forget the lessons of the Pandemic. As one of the biggest global industries, the power of tourism to shape the world is phenomenal. It can be a powerful force for doing good, not only for the stake holders but for the entire world. Build  Back  Better encapsulates the resolve to rebuild tourism in a more responsible and sustainable manner.” 

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March 2022 produced healthiest results since pandemic, arrivals climb 50% of 2019 levels

The UN reported that during the first quarter of 2022, international arrivals almost tripled over the same three months last year. March this year produced the healthiest results since the start of the pandemic, with arrivals climbing to nearly 50% of 2019 levels. That could rise to as much as 70% of 2019 arrivals by the end of this year, the UNWTO said in projections it revised in May.

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Asia Pacific to reach an IVA count in 2024 of 510-832 million: PATA

PATA, as part of its latest quarterly updated international visitor arrivals (IVAs) forecast has projected that Asia Pacific will reach an IVA count in 2024 of 510-832 million. Liz Ortiguera, CEO, PATA, said, “While a positive turning point is predicted to occur in 2022 for all the 39 Asia Pacific destinations covered in these updated forecasts, many market variables are currently influencing travel and significant challenges still lay ahead.”

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IATO seeks 5-10% of duty drawback for tour operators on forex earnings

Rajiv Mehra, President, IATO, has shared that they know that SEIS will not be given by the government. Hence, they have requested the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce that at least for tour operators and travel agents, whatever they earn in foreign exchange, a 5-10% duty drawback should be given to them. “But nothing has happened. We have had no response or no further meetings on this with them. There has been no headway. So, it looks like the government doesn’t want to do that. We have told them that to support the industry, this is the minimum they can do.”

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India’s domestic air traffic may reach 130-140 million in FY2023: CAPA

The CAPA webinar forecast revealed that India’s domestic air traffic is expected to remain in the range of 130-140 million with 60-65 million in the first half and 60-65 million in the second half of FY2023. The international air traffic is expected to reach 55-60 million with approximately 25 million in the first half and 30-35 million in the second half of FY2023. 

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Remove cascading effect of GST on tour operators to revive inbound: IATO

IATO urges the government to remove cascading effect of GST on tour operators and GST on tour operators to be charged on deemed value as in the case of Air Travel Agents, where a deemed value of 10% of gross billing of the tour operator may be considered as the taxable value on deemed basis where as it is being charged on gross value for tour operators. 

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