Tag Archives: Ministry of Tourism

‘Inter-ministerial board with state govts can resolve adventure tourism issues in India’: Ajeet Bajaj

Ajeet Bajaj, President, ATOAI, has said that setting up the National Board for Adventure Tourism by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, is a welcome step, “We have already had two board meetings and are gaining momentum. This inter-ministerial board with state governments’ participation will help resolve many issues pertaining to adventure tourism in India.”

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MOT pushes for extensive use of G-20 logo and theme by tourism stakeholders

Ministry of Tourism has written to all the travel, tourism and hospitality associations, urging them to use both the logo and the theme of the G-20 extensively by all Stakeholders of Travel Trade & Hospitality sector. “These will be used both to familiarise audience about the relevance of the G20 as well as to disseminate messaging and outcomes from the G20 as widely as possible,” stated the letter.

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